Reduce the Volume of Your Ringing in the Ears by Reducing Your Stress

by Paul Tobey

Nearly a third of the population suffers from Tinnitus; ringing in the ears. And, of that third about 25% percent have it seriously enough to seek medical attention. So, for the millions of tinnitus patients; the ones who are suffering on a daily basis, the focus of this article is on you. I’ll be sharing with you an amazing secret which will control your tinnitus volume like nothing else out there. The catch is; it may just be the hardest thing you’ve ever had to learn.

It’s hard because most people do not understand even what it is that’s making your ringing louder; let alone how to deal with it. You hear it talked about all the time. Many people know the symptoms of it but, the vast majority of people have no idea how to deal with it. And, believe me, it’s your worst enemy as a tinnitus patient. What is it? What’s this dreaded monster?


I can feel you getting stressed out just by reading it. But, by far the #1 way to reduce your tinnitus volume is; “Get rid of your stress.”


Why is this so hard to do? Well for starters, most people have no concept of what stress is. Most people think it’s the symptoms ie: anxiety, anxiousness, being up-tight, feeling anger, resentment etc. The truth is the symptoms are not stress. And therefore, once you learn the real definition of stress, only then can you learn to rid yourself of it. So, here’s the definition of stress…

Stress is; “The amount of energy you put into resisting your situation.”

It’snot the situation that’s causing you stress, it’s the energy you put into resisting the situation. So, how do you not resist it? Well, there’s really only 2 non-resistant choices you can make in any stressful situation and that is to either; a) accept it or b) remove yourself from the situation. Do you know how many people misunderstand this concept? Staying and fighting only makes the stress worse because you’re acting out of fear and your ego wants to win. You cannot win, especially at the expense of others.

So, let’s talk about tinnitus and stress. Tinnitus actually causes stress because of the constant ringing in your ears. The worse part about this is; when you’re stressed out your tinnitus volume goes up and you get more stressed right? That’s why tinnitus is such a hard thing because you’re constantly caught in a vicious loop of stress and constant ringing. That’s no way to live, is it?

How do you reduce the stress? Stop hating tinnitus. That’s a very hard concept for your to accept but the fact is hating tinnitus causes more stress because you’re resisting it. Don’t! Tinnitus is your friend. It’s here to tell you something about your life that you don’t already like. It’s here to tell you that you need to be taking better care of yourself. You need to be doing what you want to do instead of what others expect of you.

Acceptance of tinnitus is the key to healing. When you accept your tinnitus you will reduce the stress and anxiety that it causes and therefore you will reduce your volume. Remember, reducing stress = reducing volume. Guaranteed!

Knowing the definition of stress will help you a lot and knowing that you need to accept tinnitus will help but, it won’t give you the weapons you need to win the battle. I can’t teach you that in one email. That’s a journey you’ll need to take over a period of time. But, there’s no better time than the “now” to start anything. When it’s 2 weeks from now it will be NOW! So, it will always be now and therefore you can only start, NOW! Are you confused now?

What I’m really trying to say is this; I know you can get a handle on this thing if you just make a clear conscious choice to learning everything you can about acceptance. If you don’t try, you’ll still be completely stressed out and going crazy with Tinnitus many years from now. You don’t really want that now... do you?

The author Paul Tobey has developed a "How-To" information kit called "A Practical Guide to Tinnitus Free Living." It comes with a beautifully edited eBook, an accompanying audio recording and an audio meditation specifically designed for Tinnitus Patients. A must have for all Tinnitus Sufferers! Check it out...


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