Category: Tinnitus Blog

Category: Tinnitus Blog

Re: Tinnitus Today

Mary from Portland sent a handwritten letter: There are so many of us waiting for a miracle cure, rather than “learning to live with it.”

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Re: Tinnitus Today

Beverly writes: I’ve been a member of ATA (American Tinnitus Association) since 1990 and I have to say your article is one of the most

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Re: Tinnitus Today

Donna from Pennsylvania writes… I just read about you in the Tinnitus Today, June issue. As a support group with no finances and no dues,

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Re: Tinnitus Today

Beverly writes…. Dear Paul, Thank you for an outstanding article in Tinnitus Today. I published an article in June 1994, A Message of Hope. St.

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Tinnitus Journal

Recently I wrote an article that appeared in the June issue of “Tinnitus Today” the Journal of the American Tinnitus Association. I have received several

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