Christmas Carol Song

Christmas Carol Song

Christmas Carol Song

Well, the new Christmas Carol Song Book comes out Dec. 6th. Over 28 thousand of them will be published by the Expositor.  I’m pretty excited because the sing a long CD will raise 5$ per CD sold for the Sunshine Dream for Kids raising money so that kids with severe illnesses get to make a wish and recieve some human experiences they otherwise may not get. 

Just had lunch with the fundraising committee, and everyone is pretty excited.  The goal for the committee was to raise 30K and they are already about the half way mark without even launching the campaign yet.  It’s a great way to raise awarness and $.  Offer Christmas Carols with Sheet Music + Sing-A-Long CD.  You can pick yours up for a donation at the Expositor on Colbourne Street. 

If you are not local, you can order yours online either as a mail order or a digital download by clicking this link  Christmas Sheet Music

Wishing you abundant holidays,


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