Corporate Training & Team Building at Air Combat Zone Mississauga Toronto

Corporate Training & Team Building at Air Combat Zone Mississauga Toronto

Corporate Training & Team Building at Air Combat Zone Mississauga Toronto

Corporate Training & Team Building at Air Combat Zone!

I havn’t recommended a business in ages.  I’m actually finding it tough to take time out of my day to blog.  But this was so worth it, I’m making a point of blogging about it!

I took my family to Air Combat Zone in Mississauga this past weekend.  It’s quite the training ground.  You get to experience a real training, get your mission in the mission command room, then get in a simulator and execute your mission.  I never thought I’d get to say this, but my wife and I did get in a dog fight with our son Adrian and his good buddy Everett.  Adrian shot me down 5 times!  It’s a good thing we just get into another plane! 🙂

I spoke with the owner and commanding officer, Steve Bigg, at length about Air Combat Zone.  He is also a Certified Trainer, and offers corporate trainings, team building, leadership seminars, as well as offerings for school boards and teachers. Steve is an accredited pilot himself, who trained in air combat, so you could imagine his passion and knowledge in his field of expertise.  A very inspiring guy.

Pick your mission: ground to air, air to air, etc.  You can simulate your take offs and landings on air craft carriers, and it goes on and on.

I highly recommend this! Whether you want to teach your kids about leadership (while having a blast), or you are looking for corporate trainings in an engaging and stimulating environment, this is it!  Don’t look further than Air Combat Zone in Mississauga.

Contact Info is:

Steve “Hornet” Bigg Commanding Officer Air Combat Zone We Take Entertainment & Team Building “Sky High”! 

905-602-4775 [email protected]  

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