Cure for Ringing Ears

Cure for Ringing Ears

Cure for Ringing Ears

Drugs That Help Tinnitus are few and far between. In my experience, there are NO drugs that help Tinnitus! I’ll say it again “there is no cure for ringing ears”! And you certainly won’t find a cure in a bottle. Not today. Maybe tomorrow 🙂 !

Now, having said that, there are drugs that help with the symptoms of Tinnitus such as depression, stress, sleeping disorders and so on. For example, some patients report that anti-depressants help them “cope” with ringing ears. If you are a chronic tinnitus sufferer, and if your are experiencing any of these symptoms, please consult your local health professional. I too was a chronic sufferer, but I changed my situation by monitoring my health and making a few lifestyle changes. To read about that click here

The”tinnitus wonder cure in a bottle” doesn’t exist. In fact, many of those “tinnitus treatments” in a bottle can be harmful to you. So, please read the ingredients and consult your doctor before you begin a regiment of pill taking for tinnitus.

For example, I have a mild form of hemophilia. Hence, drugs like Ginko can truly be a health problem for me. In fact, when I took those so called “tinnitus cures in a bottle” I started showing massive bruising on my entire body! My Dr. alarmed me to the fact and I just got a bit wiser about what I consumed.

Another example is that I had someone write to me about his experience with consuming a Tinnitus “cure” from an internet site. After about 2 weeks he ended up in his doctors office. The Dr. reported that his patient’s blood pressure went through the roof! The Dr. pinned down the source once they managed to find out what he was doing differently. Again, the problem was in the ingredients of these “natural” cures. Chances are if your Dr. or Audiologist didn’t recommend a drug, it’s because there is nothing the FDA has yet approved that has been medically proven to help you.

Now I believe in healing through natural products. I’m not trying to say everything out there is bogus. I’m just saying before you consume anything, consult your doctor and make certain the ingredients can’t harm you or work against any prescribed meds you are currently on.

Remember, do your due diligence before you buy or consume pills.

I hope that helps you in your search. Feel free to browse other question and answer tinnitus postings.

For more information about my Tinnitus seminar, campanion book and meditation CD visit

God Bless,


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