Dubli Scam

Dubli Scam

Dubli Scam

dubli_logo_header_usIf you have not yet heard of Dubli you’re not alone.  The brand name Dubli, while popular in Europe and Australia, has yet to make giant inroads in North America but, that is about to change in a big way!

Dubli continues to gain market share for its unique “reverse bid” auction where you can pick up brand merchandise for a fraction of its retails value.  The “unique bid” and “express bid” are currently the mainstay of the Dubli brand.

However, even Dubli knows that a one-trick or two-trick pony will only get you so far in the competitive North American online marketplace.

Having recently visited the gleaming offices of its US headquarters in West Palm Beach Florida, I can give you an insiders report on what they are planning and how well I think it will work.

But, before I do that, as an online reputation consultant, Dubli needs to work on its “Dubli Scam” moniker.  Why?  Because people tend to believe the negative before the positive and if Dubli is to ever break  into the open market, unencumbered by negative publicity, it will have to face its reputation head on.

For example:

Like many other companies, Google’s “Suggest” brings up the key word phrase  “Dubli Scam” at the top of the list when typing Dubli into the Google search box.  Naturally the thought that Dubli is a Scam pops into your head and you click on “Dubli Scam” to check it out.

Here is the perfect example why I don’t like Google’s Suggest tool.  It not only slows down the search process it puts ideas into your head ideas that weren’t there before.

So, how did the phrase Dubli Scam pop up in the first place?

It  likely happened when online users wanted to express their opinions on Dubli’s reverse auction site.  It is rather complicated and without doing research and practising how and when to bid, many users could lose money rather quickly.

But, that’s not the only reason.  For example; if you read one of the online comments, Dubli failed to promptly ship an item, or the item was ‘out of stock” after the bidder won the item.  My understanding is that Dubli has rectified this problem by having its own warehousing space and only puts an item on its auction site if Dubli owns and ships the item themselves.

President Michael Hansen says that Dubli has learned from its mistakes and neither he or his executive staff are deterred by  them.  Having recognized more opportunity in the growing sector of streaming technology and cell phone applications Dubli is rolling out a brand new platform in October.  It’s all pretty hush hush but if I were you, I’d find out what’s going on so that I were in the know.

Here’s what I can tell you:

Dubli is promising its shareholders to roll out multiple new applications which will finally put all Dubli scam reports to rest.  The Dubli reverse auction site will continue to exist but will become secondary to  many new shopping and entertainment features for users to embrace.

One such feature is Dubli’s own powerful and intuitive search engine app for online and smart phones, which gives shoppers a quick price check look-up  across multiple retail sites, saving the searcher precious online time by delivering up the least expensive price on the internet.  Plus, if you buy it through Dubli you will get a 110% price guarantee and bonus credits to spend on other things.

Dubli is also positioning itself to be a leader in the area of streaming media.  They are betting on the fact that most consumers do not want to store or back-up their own entertainment data such as video and audio.

How will this work through Dubli?  Apparently, for a low price, lower than the average spend on coffee per month, a Dubli customer can store unlimited data in an online account and be able to access  video and audio for most mobile devices.

Despite the online reports of some unhappy Dubli reverse auction members  Dubli scam is and has always be far from being a scam.  It may be of value for you to suggest that the executives at Dubli have learned some big lessons over the years and have just recently seriously stepped up their game plan.

In addition to some high value strategic acquisitions, word on the street is; Dubli will be using street smart marketing skills to get their media campaign going.

Above their media ad-buys, they are gathering key resellers in Canada and the USA to help move the plan into place.  Perhaps we should be watching the Dubli ticker price as well?

This report was generated for “Dubli scam”.  Our company offers business training which helps monitor the online reputation of the top network marketing companies for the purpose of supporting small business owners, network marketers and work from home lead generators.

For more information about Dubli click here.

Paul Tobey

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