Enter to Win

Enter to Win

Enter to Win


Are you ready for the Google Experiment Contest?  To register and participate click here.

We have currently used up 1/2 an hour of our 2.5 hours a week. If you want to know how we have used that half hour so far, click here to start from the beginning.

Enter to win means that you must enter this challenge in order to get the result that those have already accepted the challenge will get. If you are an internet marketer then this series of articles will help you be a better one based on the outcome, which is using only 2 hours and half hours a week, one person, for ninety days, to get a significant quantifiable and measurable result.

One of the bench marks of creating an SEO goal, which you can read up on from earlier chapters, is to pick a result that you currently don’t already have, with a new keyword phrase that you are currently not using and currently not ranked for. Do it and you will see how well the system works and at the end of this chapter I will tell you how to enter to win.

While we haven’t exactly decided what the bonus prizes will be, if you do the work, the prize will be traffic for your website. However, as the recommendations are continuing to come in from the people who are participating, many of them would like extra motivation. At the end of this chapter I will give you a hint as to what this motivation might be.

Many people won’t eat a carrot until their hungry. Well if you’re hungry for a result you might not need that motivation. But some people are very comfortable with where they are at and wouldn’t take action, not matter how big the carrot was. If that is you, I might suggest you might go back and start reading some of the other material on this blog and find out how this type of business (this type of marketing) is being done.

My version which is a version disseminated from many areas includes delivering value. And regardless how good you think it is, and regardless of the result you do get, the intent to create something of value is enough. And in order to initiate that process, you have to make a choice to enter to win. I suggest that you do it now, make the choice to be part of a strategy that no matter what, you’ll win.

There is no losing in this type of marketing, no matter what you believe is your result. What you do care about however is when you make a choice to enter to win; you are making a choice to deliver value to others. That is a winning intent, which will ultimately receive a winning result. This is a no lose situation. The only time you can possibly lose if you choice not to take positive action, because you are either:

A: Lazy

B: Overworked

C: Underpaid

D: Unhappy

E: Stressed Out

F: Frustrated

G: Comfortable with all that

And the fact that you may have made this type of misery your best friend, I am offering you an opportunity to learn a step by step strategy to getting a better result. And the first qualifier of your will to create something different, will be to enter to win this challenge.

I will put an entry form on my website (click here to read the rules) and understand what you get when you enter to win.

This article’s keyword phrase, which you may have guessed already is; “enter to win”. Yesterday’s keyword phrase was “making money online with the internet”.

In this article we are doing the exact same keyword density strategy. If you want to know more about keyword density you can take one or both of these home study programs: 12 Essential Lessons on Internet Marketing or Jump Start your Internet Presence.

The additional information that I am going to reveal in this article is, “what are the extra qualifiers that I know will help me choice a great keyword phrase?” And, of course, that is; how well is the competition doing, not only in terms of their content, but their off site optimization as well.

This is a strategy known as: link popularity. It’s basically a voting system. Who ever gets gets the most votes gets elected. And how does Google know that other people are voting for your website? It follows links from other websites to yours.

But, it’s not just any type of link. It’s a very special king of link called anchor text. If you want to know in detail how it works, click here for more information.

For now, lets understand the basic concept. How does Google find it’s way around the internet? It either follows links which you have placed on your website to other websites, or it follows links from their websites to other websites and sometimes it follows a link from another website back to yours.

How does it qualify votes? By the number of times the googlebot lands on your website from a different place. Then it also says to itself, “what place was it that you were linked from?” How powerful is the vote, in terms of how many votes they have, and what type of votes they are giving you?

That’s why it’s such a great system, because its algorithm is unbiased in that it has been designed to seek out good content and more votes. The keyword phrase for this article, “enter to win” has no link popularity on my site currently, none.

So this article is a new page, creating content on my website, which I will now seek to bring backlinks; link popularity to my website from other places. And it is entirely possible that one of the criteria to win this Google challenge, in terms of any prizes we give out, it might be mandatory to have a link from your website to mine.

While this might sound self serving, and ultimately, only history will tell that, what is the message you will get when you enter to win? Reward. That’s why it’s called a challenge, because in order to win you must fulfill some of the terms of that challenge.

I am already giving you my strategy to rank on Google if that weren’t enough I could also entice you with reward in term it could be monetary, it could be information based, we could have many winners, we could have many categories such as: Advanced Internet Marketers and Beginner Internet Marketers.

And, over the next little while I will reveal what you will win, when you enter to win.

Might I suggest that you come up with some good prizes. What do you have that we could make a prize, that could help your marketing? Something of value perhaps?

If you want to sponsor the challenge, we can also talk about that. But, I can tell you that based on past promotions, this one will create a firestorm of activity based on everyone winning.

So send me an email, actually send me your proposal when you enter to win, if you have something to give of value to help promote yourself and your business, send me the suggestion in the enter to win form.

Click here to read the rules and regulations.

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