Financial Crisis = Tinnitus Crisis!

Financial Crisis = Tinnitus Crisis!

Financial Crisis = Tinnitus Crisis!

Recently the amount of people who are downloading my tinnitus program has skyrocketed.

I’m thinking is has a lot to do with the current global economic situation and political uncertainty. I think people are genuinely stressed about what they read in the papers and see on TV. And since stress is a huge conduit for tinnitus it has generated a lot of interest in my program.

Most people seem stressed, that’s for sure. But, my question is why?

These are not doom and gloom times. These are very exciting times! This is the era of accountability. It is an era when innovation is moving swiftly to make up for the lack of accountability in our corporate and government culture.

There is certainly a diversity of opinions out there. Some economists are saying that “cash is king” while others claim that now is the time when the average Joe can become a multi-millionaire.

What do I think about the current economic situation?

Sure, a few right decisions will get you from here to where you want to be and a few wrong ones will hurt a little. But, either way, the best way to handle any challenge is to measure your risk, and make a decision. What you shouldn’t do is react to the situation and make decisions based on fear.

My friend Katrina owns a 2.1 million dollar home in Whistler, British Columbia at the base of the ski hill. She has owned it for years and with low interest rates it’s been for the most part a great investment.

But today, she’s forced to sell. She’s overextended herself, and her lenders will not be renewing her mortgage – probably because they are on the hook to someone else for the money.

On the other hand, I myself have just purchased another investment property. It’s a great time to be purchasing. Interest rates are very low, there are great bargains out there, and historically real estate is a great investment.

The point is; I’m happy with this economy, because I choose to be. I’ve made some adjustments, I’ve been flexible, and I’ve focused on what’s working, rather than what’s not working. Sound familiar?

If you are stressed because of the perceived economic times we are in, then consider adopting the following behavioral changes;

1) Stress is terrible for your tinnitus, eliminate it!

2) You always have choices – take action or take no action. However, to take no action is an action! Whatever you do, always be learning, and invite opportunities to learn. It’ll empower you to make the best decisions for you.

3) Don’t bury your head in the sand and don’t be afraid of the situation. This is a time for you to analyze your behaviors and attitudes around money, and stay empowered about the choices you do make. Teach your children not to be afraid of money. If you are stressed about paying bills, they will learn to be stressed around paying bills.

4) If you are not a good money manager then you must learn to become one. Managing money is not only about paying bills, budgets and savings and all that boring stuff. It’s also about making more money. Making money can be fun, and if there is more of it there is more for you to share with others!

5) Don’t believe everything you hear, read and see on TV. I know you don’t consciously believe everything, but still, it hard to deny that there is a voice in the back of our subconscious that says maybe we should “fear” an outcome we can’t see yet. Is it here? Has it happened yet? Are we in a recession? Remember, your ability to compensate and adjust to your reality is called creativity. Creativity is the # 1 resource for human intelligence. Don’t be a victim by refusing to be creative.

6) Don’t make bad decisions based on illusion. Wealth and poverty are forms of illusion. The earth school has much more to offer than a rise and/or fall in markets. So, remember to live in the moment, be grateful for each breath, and make decisions when you are grounded. The higher your emotion, the less intelligence you possess. The more grounded you are, the better decisions you will make. Never act out of fear. Act with intuition and certainty.

7) Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you need help get it now, not later. Find guidance online, from a friend, from a mentor, from a tax accountant, from a lawyer, from anyone you trust. Take a seminar, download some e-books, buy a book, or listen to an audio. Whatever you need to do, take action.

You must learn to trust yourself by following your positive instincts. Do not act from fear but get some clarity and make choices that will empower you and your loved ones.

And for crying out loud, turn off the TV!


Paul Tobey is a professional motivational speaker who has performed many seminars for ringing ears sufferers and is author of Tinnitus Free Living a Tinnitus Handbook Self Help Guide which helps people reduce their tinnitus volume.

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