GINO EMPRY I Get The Blues When It Rains

GINO EMPRY I Get The Blues When It Rains

GINO EMPRY I Get The Blues When It Rains

Gino Empry dies.  Now, it seems that ends an era of the great impressario! Living large…an eccentric to the end!  An art lover, a music lover, a lover’s lover…a character in his own worldly theatre!  I doubt that Gino had any regrets.  Just this past May (the 10th to be exact) Gino emailed me a song request…

 I Get the Blues When It Rains…

It was rain -ing, dear, when I met you
You smiled, the sun shone through
Then it rained a -gain and I lost you
Just why I nev -er knew.
Now ev -‘ry time the storm clouds gath -er way up in the sky,
I see them all and I re -call those hap -py days gone by:

I get the blues when it rains,
The blues I can’t lose when it rains
Each lit -tle drop that falls on my win -dow pane
Al -ways re -minds me of the trears I’ve shed in vain
I sit and wait for the sun
To shine down on me once a -gain
It rained when I found you, It rained when I lost you,
That’s why I’m so blue when it rains.

You will be missed Gino! Your human experience affected many, celebrated many, adored many, and was equally revered by many!  – God Bless, Paul

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