Will the Green Party Leader be asking what is Twext on the Agenda?

Will the Green Party Leader be asking what is Twext on the Agenda?

Will the Green Party Leader be asking what is Twext on the Agenda?

The Green Party Leaders will be hosting a few business training sessions in Toronto and the Green Party Leader may be asking what’s TWEXT on the agenda.  Maybe they will be getting an intensive training on the power of Tweets and text, and using social media to win more seats.

Using the power of the internet is not a new thing for political parties.  Obama demonstrated this with huge success, making his lead internet marketer a rock star in the world of social media.

However, the lessons learned by team Obama has yet to inspire Canadian politicians on how to effectively utilize Google, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, and this perhaps, is what the Green Party leader is twexting on.

One of my students, William Wu, is an advocate for the environment.  He was asking me how we can help political parties utilize the internet more effectively

My first thought, is that it would be a great media hook if the Green Party Leader could strive to deliver a 100% paper-free campaign by gearing up for a campaign driven on the internet and cell phones

That could drive their message home and get a few of the Canadian bloggers and social media-lites to steer important social conversations online.  This would eventually lead the Liberals and Conservatives to clean up their online reputations and begin to manage their online campaigns with more focus.

There are a few issues that the Green Party Leader may tackle to get a head start.  The first thing I would tell the candidates is to clean up their online reputations.  Simply by surfing the internet, candidates leave a footprint that can be traced back to them.

For example, if they use a specific email account, any savvy person can Google their email to see what the candidates do in their spare time.  Do they leave messages on other blogs, leave reviews on books they read, debate issues on websites, or post complaints online.

More importantly, what are others saying about the candidates.  If you can clean it up, get busy now.  If your candidate does not have any online presence, get busy building one.  The more you control it, the better.

The next step would be to train candidates on how to effectively use social media.  Simply posting your political views on Facebook, Youtube or twitter is not enough.  There is a specific reason to use forums, blogs, tweets, and videos. Selling and pitching is not one of those reasons, and ultimately will distract from your core campaign messages.

Your campaign must deliver high value information, and engage people to action.  There is a social media wheel that can help every candidate create, publish and manage their own online campaigns.  Running an effective online campaign pools the strengths of search engine optimization, social media and traditional media.

If the Green Party Convention decides to train the Green Party Leaders on how to deliver high value information, it will include delivering its high value messages via Text, blog, tweet, and video facts.  The goal is keep the media and voters enrolled and engaged during the campaign, and ultimately, get voters to the polls.

I’m guessing the future will be that anyone with a  Blackberry phone will be able to vote via text. It stands to say that their encryption technology can handle the security issues. Wait for the Blackberry VOTE application that will have you avoiding long lines at the polls.  Oh, how wonderful that sounds.  We should look into that stock again…LOL.

In the meantime, the Green Party Leader has a reason to be excited.  Elizabeth May could walk her talk and start collecting emails and cell phone numbers right away.  The plan is to text and tweet or twext her way to more seats in the house of commons.

This Green Party Leader Post was written as a favor to my start student William Wu who asked me to see if I can get this post up to the top of the Google search engine within 10 days in time for the Green Party Leader to witness it at their Green Party Convention August 2010.

If you’d like to help push this post to the top of Google then click the social bookmarking buttons below!  Happy twexting!

The Green Party Leaders will be hosting a few business training sessions in Toronto and the Green Party Leader may be asking what’s TWEXT on the agenda. Maybe they will be getting an intensive training on the power of Tweets and text, and using social media to win more seats.

Using the power of the internet is not a new thing for political parties.Obama demonstrated this with huge success, making his lead internet marketer a rock star in the world of social media.

However, the lessons learned by team Obama has yet to inspire Canadian politicians on how to effectively utilize Google, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, and this perhaps, is what the Green Party leader is twexting on.

One of my students, William Wu, is an advocate for the environment.He was asking me how we can help political parties utilize the internet more effectively.

My first thought, is that it would be a great media hook if the Green Party Leader could strive to deliver a 100% paper-free campaign by gearing up for a campaign driven on the internet and cell phones.

That could drive their message home and get a few of the Canadian bloggers and social media-lites to steer important social conversations online. This would eventually lead the Liberals and Conservatives to clean up their online reputations and begin to manage their online campaigns with more focus.

There are a few issues that the Green Party Leader may tackle to get a head start.The first thing I would tell the candidates is to clean up their online reputations.Simply by surfing the internet, candidates leave a footprint that can be traced back to them.

For example, if they use a specific email account, any savvy person can Google their email to see what the candidates do in their spare time.Do they leave messages on other blogs, leave reviews on books they read, debate issues on websites, or post complaints online.

More importantly, what are others saying about the candidates.If you can clean it up, get busy now.If your candidate does not have any online presence, get busy building one.The more you control it, the better.

The next step would be to train candidates on how to effectively use social media.Simply posting your political views on Facebook, Youtube or twitter is not enough.There is a specific reason to use forums, blogs, tweets, and videos. Selling and pitching is not one of those reasons, and ultimately will distract from your core campaign messages.

Your campaign must deliver high value information, and engage people to action. There is a social media wheel that can help every candidate create, publish and manage their own online campaigns. Running an effective online campaign pools the strengths of search engine optimization, social media and traditional media.

If the Green Party Convention decides to train the Green Party Leaders on how to deliver high value information, it will include delivering its high value messages via Text, blog, tweet, and video facts.The goal is keep the media and voters enrolled and engaged during the campaign, and ultimately, get voters to the polls.

I’m guessing the future will be that anyone with a Blackberry phone will be able to vote via text. It stands to say that their encryption technology can handle the security issues. Wait for the Blackberry VOTE application that will have you avoiding long lines at the polls. Oh, how wonderful that sounds. We should look into that stock again…LOL.

In the meantime, the Green Party Leader has a reason to be excited. It could walk its talk and start collecting emails and cell phone numbers right away. The plan is to text and tweet or twext its way into more seats.

The Green Party Leader Post was written as a favor to my start student William Wu who asked me to see if I can get this post up to the top of the Google search engine within 10 days in time for the Green Party Leader to witness it at their Green Party Convention August 2010.

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