Journey Through Spain Camino Concert Update

Journey Through Spain Camino Concert Update

Journey Through Spain Camino Concert Update

It’s been a long while since I blogged about this concert. 

I was lucky enough to be invited to speak at the Company of Pilgrim’s meeting on Saturday to a great crowd.  It’s great to be amongst pilgrim’s just to share together what we experience on the Camino.  I screened about 10 minutes of the film, and they were thrilled to see images of the Camino – only if it brings them back for a second.

So I had a thought.  What if I took the 60 hours of footage I have, and edit the video to the music I composed.  A DVD of just images and music.  There is no story to tell.  Just the essence of where the music was inspired from.  I’ll try and have some of that footage available for the concert next Feb.

Needless to say the DVD sold like hotcakes.  I had to take orders because I didn’t bring enough product with me.  It’s a good little product though – it contains 2 short documentaries that were inspired by the road. 

Also, we have a new conductor on board for the symphony.  Luckily for me he was also once part of the Camino and has experience with the  Road to Santiago.  Funny how things work out.  I promised I wouldn’t go ahead with an annoucement until the Symphony can finalize that.  But, I’m excited by the exceptional quality of this new conductor, and comes highly highly recommended by peers. 

The costume designer is now sketching.  So, I hope to have the sketches by next week so we can proceed.  I’m quite excited about that.

The music is proceeding well.  I have yet to work with a concert master that would help me chart the up bows, down bows etc etc..So the charts are not refined yet.  Hopefully, that will all be done by mid Nov.

All in all, things are progressing well.  I’ve had so much on my plate too.  I have a few volunteer committments that I’m very proud to be associated with this year.  However, it is time consuming – and sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed at my schedule.  I have a more speaking engagements than I anticipated.  But it’s all good.  Busy is good!

Stay tuned for new announcements shortly.




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