Klemmer and Associates Seminar Review

Klemmer and Associates Seminar Review

Klemmer and Associates Seminar Review

Klemmer and Associates Seminar Review Nov 2009

Jennifer Beale, a highly respected publicist in Toronto, told me about Brian Klemmer’s Compassionate Samurai Seminar and for some time has been urging me to see Brian speak.  Brian Klemmer often makes appearances in Barrie, Brampton, and the GTA, so she kept me in the loop regarding his appearances in Toronto.  I finally made a point to mark his next appearance in my agenda, and I missed it.

I asked Jennifer to please advise me when he would be back in town.  This time, Jennifer arranged for me to meet Brian and attend the introductory 3-Hour seminar.  Brian wasn’t the speaker on that day, however, the trainer was excellent!  I observed everything with great detail, as training is one of my loves.  The trainer had approximately 60 participants in the room.  He took careful time to introduce himself with grace, and gave some detail on who Klemmer and Associates are.  Without bragging, without being over-the-top, without being in-your-face anything, he humbly told the story of how he got involved with training and what brought him from preaching to teaching.

It wasn’t long before the audience was having a great time.  Maybe 20 minutes into his introduction, the audience was participating and fully engaged.  There was an excellent exercise on why most of us get stuck in our personal and professional lives, and where we fall short of having our breakthrough moments.

The trainer answered some questions, and asked permission to coach those who wanted guidance.  One gentleman was having trouble in his married life, after 40 years of marriage, he was interested to find out how he could turn the negativity around.  You could see the light bulb moment in his expression, almost as soon as he heard himself ask the question.  It was nice to experience that he felt the environment was safe enough to explore those answers with the coach and the audience.

There was another young fellow who had a clear goal of making $5K a month for himself and his young family.  However, he had no idea how he was going to sell more business machines to help him achieve this.  In search for self-improvement, and in search of answers, he was brave enough to ask the question in front of many others, who secretly wanted the same answer to the “wealth” question.

The entire time I watched/studied the trainer in front of me, a student trained by Brian Klemmer.  I was very impressed.  If all of Brian’s trainers are this good, I could see why a top publicist would recommend his company.  I could see what it is she wanted me to observe.

The trainer didn’t come into the room with a big show of electronics, in fact, he didn’t have a mic.  It wasn’t a ra-ra, filled with empty training.  There was extremely valuable content in there, in fact, my wife wrote notes with headlines, to help us remember some of the great content – the golden nuggets offered for free that night.

From the very top, Klemmer and Associate’s training, said “this is a 3 hour sample of the 3-day course” and therefore, his audiences expected to hear about the 3-day course during the 3 hour session.  Participants become trainees, and are so engaged, that they have no problem letting the trainer do his job.  In essence, the trainer takes a brief moment to introduce an opportunity to purchase the 3-Day course for a very small risk tuition.

I believe Klemmer’s courses will help all though looking for leadership and business training and I recommend that you pick up the phone and give them a call.

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