Marketing & Mastery Reviews Calgary

Marketing & Mastery Reviews Calgary

Marketing & Mastery Reviews Calgary

Marketing & Mastery Calgary a huge hit! We are extremely delighted to say that our inaugural Marketing & Mastery intensive in Calgary was a huge success.  Joining us were local business owners like  Sonya Tonhauser who said “Once again, thank you for the past two days.  I have left your Marketing and Mastery course feeling empowered and inspired and cannot wait to start putting into practise everything you have taught me.  You truly have gift and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing it.”

Please check out her really cool business card holder:

Yvette Corvette texted us from her blackberry ” I agree excellent!”

Cathie Dunklee- “Hi Paul, Really the workshop was wonderful and the SEO stuff was off the scale, thanks.  I’ll  write testimonials for  you until the cows come home if you want and  recommend you to my friends.”

People love to hire our graduates because they know their stuff! So if you need a web design company who understands internet marketing,  Check her out in Calgary

As a result, our graduates are starting a Business Group in Calgary spearheaded by Helen Innes, Small Business Consultant, check her out at

I can’t mention everyone in this post, however, I will let you know who’s who in the world of business in Canada and the US.

Special Thanks to all the Calgary Business Owners who gave 100% commitment to learning 21st Century Marketing Tools, Internet Marketing, Social Media and Internet Marketing Calgary.

Thank You! We’ll be back in Calgary for the SOHO Trade Show, where I will be a guest speaker.  Hope to see you there!

Paul Tobey


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