Paul Tobey Scam

Paul Tobey Scam

Paul Tobey Scam

Paul Tobey Scam?

Hi! This is Paul Tobey, and if you are here, it’s because you are doing your research on me!

You are not alone.  It turns out, some folks will do their due diligence and research me.  One of the ways to do your research is to put the keyword search phrase “paul tobey scam” into google. Don’t feel bad.  It turns out to be a high keyword search term.

If you are going to invest some time and effort taking our courses, you should be researching the trainer.  Good job if you are here!

Let’s get the Paul Tobey scam out of the way. It turns out there is another Paul Toby (spelled differently), who lives in Calgary, who apparently ticked some people off when he sold a car.  Someone labeled him a scam artist. That guy is not me.

There is also a Paul G. Tobey who seems to be a high rank techie, who is neither me nor a scam.  Please, don’t think that’s me.  There is someone considering my Tinnitus digital program inquiring if its a scam, however, let me assure you, the testimonials on the program are legit, and anyone who has tried it, – that it is life-changing for chronic tinnitus sufferers.  However, there are tons of tinnitus scams out there… none of them are ME either!

There are also thousands looking for Tobey Maguire and Tobey Kieth, which are unrelated to me.   I’m not the famous actor, I’m the internet marketing guy who was once a  jazz pianist but by necessity I became an internet marketer! In fact, I became very good at it.

I’ve trained thousands of people over the last 4 years,  and I’m humbled by the fact that I have yet to Google anything that hints of a Paul Tobey scam.

Our courses are outstanding, and our students get legit results.  We’ve trained everyone from small start-ups to aggressive business ventures, to government clients such as Ontario Place and Ontario Rental Board, to independent real-estate movers and shakers to financial planners, to tourism, folks in the horse industry, to manufacturing and distribution of salt chemicals and auto parts, to cosmetic spas, to direct-to consumer businesses who are looking for a competitive edge.

In fact, if you are business-2-business, or business-2-consumer, we can help.  I will say this though; if you want to sell cars or flowers online, you need a team of experts.  These are hugely competitive industry verticals, and you need full time staff to handle your search engine optimization.  Those are not virgin markets online.

And to compete, you’ll need some dollars.  However, other industries in retail, manufacturing, or small business (local or international) are still fair game.  You could win that game, and you only need to be 1 person with a few hours a week to get what you want.

What you want is targeted traffic to your website.  Once you get them there, you get them to take action (pick up the phone, give their email, send you and email, download something, or buy something).  You MUST collect their data! It’s a must!

We are great at this. Our proof! We collect testimonials from every single business owner we train, and we have thousands of them in binders filed in a closet! We’ve put a few up on the website, randomly selected, for your review.

Our internet marketing course in Toronto will soon be traveling to Calgary on Dec. 6 2009, and to BC in 2010.  An alternative to attending a live training on Internet Marketing, Marketing & Mastery or Train the Trainer 1 or 2, is we give webinars via the internet, and most of the webinars are archived and available so  you can have immediate access to the valuable information you are seeking.

Who are our training courses for?  Businesses earning $0 to 5 million.  Our internet marketing & Marketing Mastery courses are for small to mid-size business owners and executives who seek a streetsmart way of marketing their products and services.  StreetSmart Marketing is a low-cost but hugely effective way of branding and converting your visitors into sales.

Your commitment is both short-term and long term.  Short term, you must learn the stuff! It’s great stuff, but like me, you’ll have to commit and do the implementation. Your implementation is long-term.  Once you start, you don’t stop. Ever! There will always be something keeping you at the top! That’s you!

Consider your website an asset – a piece of property.  If you build it correctly, it’s worth something.  Especially if you build it with a database.

All of my information is fantastic, but if you don’t put it into practice, you’ll be spinning your wheels.  You can easily avoid the thousands of dollars in mistakes, and hundreds of hours of hitting your head against a wall, getting the same unwanted result over and over again. I’ll give you the right way the first time, and spare you the headaches.

We will train you how to manage and oversee your internet marketing project, and/or do it yourself.  We’ve had many do-it-yourselfers in our courses, who have had, and are currently still getting, outstanding results! You can too!

It takes the will to learn it, and the drive to implement it.  It took me 4 years to go from 125K house to a 1.2 million dollar house.  It took me 4 months to start making money online, and 1 year to be financially free (which was a big deal from a starving jazz artist point of view).  You can do it too.  It’s not too late for you.  The internet is still very much virgin territory, and has lots of room for newbies. But the window is closing.  I’d say a couple of more years, and the industry will have evolved to a point where newbies will have a hard time competing against the workforce we are training now.

If you have a good idea, a stand up product or service, and you have the wherewithal to do your research, you’ll know if you should keep going with me in the first hour.  I’ll teach you how to do your research, and you’ll have an idea of your ROI within minutes.  If you have a bad idea, your research will tell you to bail.  If it tells you to bail, you bail.  Even I can’t help you if you have a bad idea! I don’t think a bad idea is limited though.  You may just discover that your bad idea needs a tweek in order to be outstanding.  Surprisingly, google will tell you! Google knows all, and I’ll show you how to find out – FAST!

We are experts in ON-Site Optimization, and Off Site optimization, (social media gurus), with the ability to effectively train you and your team to get better results.  It’s a numbers game, and we want to teach you how to generate lots of traffic, and convert that traffic into sales! Simple yes? We just don’t talk. We walk our talk, show you the proof and guarantee our trainings!

Please visit for more information on Paul Tobey Marketing Course.  Our Internet Marketing Seminars in Toronto are coming to Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, and Montreal.  If you would like to partner with us on future events, and or sponsor an upcoming event, please contact Nancy at our office at 416-229-4710.

Paul Tobey Scam post was written as an On Site Search Optimization Strategy, and I thank you for allowing me the time to prove to you SEO works! Join us in one of our free internet marketing seminars, or check out our schedule of events for our free internet marketing webinars.  If you want to be one of the first to know about any of our trainings in your area, or via webinar, just join our membership.

To your success!

Paul Tobey

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