Do you struggle choosing effective keywords that customers are likely to use in order to find you on Google? If so, you’re not alone. Choosing the perfect keyword phrase is difficult for many business owners, including web designers.
A tool that can help put some “science” in the process of selecting the perfect keyword phrase is called Market Samurai. This proprietary software utilizes Google’s search database and can help you select appropriate keywords for each page of your website.
Remember, what you are searching for are:
1) Keywords with lots of traffic
2) Keywords that do not have many competitors
Low competition = better opportunity for you to rank on the first page of Google search results. Let’s face it, who looks past the first page of search results? Not many.
Market Samurai makes effective comparisons simple. If you were to try to do the research yourself, you’d be spending days and days. This software does it in minutes.
A brief overview of how you determine the perfect keyword phrase for your web page:
- Download the Market Samurai software (they have a free 30 day trial)
- Start a new Keyword Search (click the button) and type in an idea for a keyword phrase
- Click on the Keyword Research button (this activates the database)
- On the next screen, the software presents a list of related search topics that are the result of actual Google searches (if you see it, it means that someone typed it in Google at least once)
- You can click on the Generate Keywords button on that page
- You will then have the opportunity to customize the way Market Samurai pulls data for you. Within the “Keyword Analysis” section, we suggest choosing “No Filter,” click on Total Searches and specify those with at least 50 searches per day, and lastly set the Phrase to Broad box to “15.” This last step will allow Market Samurai to analyze your keywords regardless of the order they were typed into the search engine.
- Sort your results by number of Searches, high to low ( a quick click on the column does this).
- We suggest choosing a keyword phrase that has between 50 and 300 daily search results. This “sweet spot” should get you to rank highly for a sufficient volume of visitors and not get lost in the shuffle among larger competitors on more common keyword search words.
Wonder how your competitors are doing with your perfect keyword phrase? Market Samurai will allow you to see how the top 10 competitors have optimized their sites with respect to your perfect keyword phrase. More details in our next blog…