Pilgrimage Santiago de Compostela

Pilgrimage Santiago de Compostela

Pilgrimage Santiago de Compostela

It’s Veteran’s Day.  On my walk this morning I spent some time thinking about how much my life has changed over the past few years since my journey on the Pilgrimage Santiago de Compostela. So, I posted this video to remind not only myself but those of you who I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and working with.

Yes, it’s important to remember our Veterans.  They sacrificed much and as you know nothing great can come from no suffering.  I am grateful that they were there for us.  I am also grateful for other journeys like the Pilgrimage Santiago de Compostela.  It allowed me to grow into a different person and learn some lessons that I may not have been able to learn otherwise.

We’ve grown much as a society but war is the one thing that we seem to be able to hold onto.  Change does occur during war but the suffering that comes from it is unfathomable.  My journey on the Pilgrimage Santiago de Compostela taught me that sometimes in our rush to get to a destination that we think is right we tend to miss the journey itself.

Here are my TOP 10 things I learned on my journey:

  1. Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do something when you are deeply committed to doing it anyway.
  2. Try not to look for evidence that you’re on the right path.  In our rush to get where we’re going we sometimes miss the opportunities that are more suited to get us there quicker than the path we’ve chosen.
  3. The Camino de Santiago (Pilgrimage Santiago de Compostela) is a road which has a specific destination but all journey’s are different.
  4. Take a walk.  During your walk, take stock of where you are and where you want to get.  Out of that walk, an intention will be created and when the intention is clear – a mechanism appears.
  5. See music on your journey.  Or substitute music for something that is ultimately creative.  Humans are a creative bunch, don’t forget to try it on every now and then.
  6. The Pilgrimage Santiago de Compostela is a real place which brings real world results.  Make plans to go.
  7. When you take action of any kind this activates your natural learning process.  Go with it.  Make mistakes.  They are only mistakes though if you make them twice.
  8. When you get to your destination, use those results as inspiration for your next chosen destination.  You will never run out of destinations. That, I can guarantee.
  9. Do not yank up your seeds of creation every day demanding to see immediate results.
  10. A team will help you get where you are going as long as you take it upon yourself to support the team with your knowledge, talents and experience.

Thank you for the opportunity to get this message out.  My life is so much better after learning these natural laws which were in existence long before I discovered them and will be long after.  It’s part of my journey to learn them in the order that is perfect for me.  And, so far, it seems perfect enough.

I wish you all a reflective Veteran’s Day.

Paul Tobey

P.S. The Pilgrimage Santiago de Compostela film is available in a longer version approx 40 minutes.  If you’d like a copy click here.

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