Re: Tinnitus Today

Re: Tinnitus Today

Re: Tinnitus Today

Mary from Portland sent a handwritten letter:

There are so many of us waiting for a miracle cure, rather than “learning to live with it.” But so far, that’s what we must do to survive. – Living with Tinnitus for 50 years +

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Thank you Mary for such a wonderful letter.The first audiologist I saw confirmed I had no apparant ear damage, and that I had developed tinnitus and hyperacusis. And then the words came…”learn to live with it”. This particular audiologist needed sensitivity training. Truth is, if I could eliminate 5 disempowering words from the audiologist’s office, they would be “Learn to Live With It”. It’s not wise advice. Because it’s not realistic advice. We know that human beings operate on the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional levels. It’s all interconnected. Taking your power back from Tinnitus is a larger step then learning to live with it. That’s the authentic truth. Taking power back from your Tinnitus takes a complete shift from all levels of your being – which includes your mental, physical, spiritual and emotional self. You must become aware of each level of your being to come to a place of no resistance.Tinnitus is like stress: it goes up with the amount of energy you are putting into resisting your situation.When I resist my situation, I can feel a whole shift in my energy. One of those indicators is that my tinnitus volume goes up. When I choose a different energy, my Tinnitus volume goes back down. But to choose – is the tricky part. It’s not easy to choose ,becasue my little voice will fight me. Saying things like “I can’t”, “it’s too hard”, “your Tinnitus is too loud”, “it’s controlling you”. I have to fight that little voice and replace that with “I can”, “it’s effortless”, “I can control my energy level”, “I only hear silence”…and really hush that little voice into silence so I can begin to feel no resistance to what I am experiencing at that moment.I think its important for Tinnitus sufferers to be aware that Tinnitus is a mystery to science – and great minds are working on solving that mystery as you are reading this. In the meantime, try not to resist, it makes it worse. Paul

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