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Here's some questions everone is asking;
The answers to these questions and a whole host of others will be answered in a FREE 3-hour Internet marketing course Toronto. Here's what you'll learn...
Who should attend this seminar? This seminar is for anyone who wants to get a serious online result. If you’re in business or looking to start a business the internet is for you! You do not need to be a web designer or a technical genius to participate in this course. It is designed to give you a general understanding of the most successful internet marketing principals. Click Here to Register for Your FREE Training
From the desk of Paul
Tobey, Dear Business Colleagues, If you're like most people you're always looking to make the right business decisions based on the most up to date information available. The only problem is, when it comes to the internet nobody seems to know what that information is. Did you know that 98.5% of all websites have no internet marketing strategy at all? Did you know that of the 1.5% remaining only a very small percentage do everything it takes to market online? That's why my 3-hour intensive information session is so important. I will give you the exact information you need to make the right decisions about how to proceed with your online marketing strategy. Why should you listen to me? Even though I've been designing websites since 1999, the truth is for most of that time I had all the wrong information. You see, like most people I thought that through trial and error I'd be able to figure it out. I was wrong. Eventually, after several online failures, I decided to get smart about it and learn from some people who knew what they were doing and having success at it. So, I dug deep and invested a lot of money to learn from several of the world's most successful internet marketers. The results? Absolutely Amazing! What would you do for 1,400 unique and highly targeted visitors to your website every day? The very website that you're reading from right now gets an average... One Thousand Four Hundred Visitors Every Single Day! Where does that traffic come from? 85% of it comes from search engines. And, with more traffic comes more sales. I sell CDs, DVDs, eBooks, seminars, concert tickets and a whole lot more. I just love waking up in the morning and saying "Cha-ching" while giving a high-five to my lovely wife when money gets deposited into my bank account without having to work for it. But, nothing starts without traffic. Without traffic to your website you've got nothing! What else goes into a good online marketing campaign? There are 3 main online marketing strategies. The first is of course; building loads of targeted traffic. The second is good effective copy writing and the third is converting visitors into sales. You will learn the basis of all 3 of these things at my FREE 3-hour internet marketing seminar. What's the catch? Just to make sure I'm completely honest with you I'll let you in on a little secret. There is no catch! At the end of the seminar I'll send you away with enough information for you to go out and make the right decisions about your web marketing needs. I will of course be offering you the opportunity to learn more but then again, we can all learn more can't we? So, you now have really only 2 CHOICES; One... You can do nothing and continue with your current online marketing strategy. - or - Two...
You can sign up today for this FREE information session and get
the exact information you need to win the online marketing game! Doesn't sound like much of a choice does
it? Click Here to Register for Your FREE Training I wish you the best in all your business endeavours! Sincerely, Paul Tobey PS: If you have any questions about this internet marketing seminar that are not answered here please call our office anytime at 1-877-790-PROS.