Social Media Training Toronto, Calgary, Toronto, New York, California

Social Media Training Toronto, Calgary, Toronto, New York, California

Social Media Training Toronto, Calgary, Toronto, New York, California

Social Media Training Toronto, Calgary, Toronto, New York, California

What’s up with Social Media these days?
Why is it that most businesses still seem to be floundering about online; making all kinds of newbie marketing mistakes?

Think about it?  Do YOU want to be marketed to; on a platform that was designed to be social?  No, of course not.

So, why is it that businesses continue to spill out “all about us” marketing messages when,  all most people want to do is share ideas and socially interact?

In my world, which I like to call “the real world of results,” there are only a couple of choices you can make that actually work within the framework of social media.

If you don’t know what they are, maybe it’s time you attended one of our upcoming “Marketing and Mastery” courses and get filled in on
what’s really happening out there in the internet universe!

Yes, Social Media Marketing does work. The question is: “Do you really know how TO MAKE IT WORK?”

Join me for the next preview training on

Social Media Training Toronto, or in Calgary, New York, California and more…and I’ll let you in on a couple of real hidden gems that you can sink your marketing teeth into.


Or, you can do like most businesses do and let the digital world pass you by.

Here’s an interesting little fact you might want to know however;  In my most recent Marketing and Mastery preview courses, in front of hundreds of businesses throughout Canada and the USA, NOT ONE single person knew the real hidden power of social media.

That power is crucial to your online presence and cannot be ignored. Think about where you’re trying to get then ask yourself what is the quickest way to get there?

Have a great day,

Paul Tobey
Street Smart Marketer

P.S. When you want something, isn’t it easier to go to someone who already has that? Simple eh?

Contact Our Office for Canadian and US dates: 416-229-4710

Upcoming Social Media Seminars Toronto:

May 25th, 2010, Westin Prince Hotel

Not all of our corporate and/or private trainings will appear on our Schedule of Events.  If you would like more information on one of the following events, please call our office at 416-229-4710.

May and June Mannatech appearances; Oregon, California

July Usana appearances: California

SOHO appearances: Calgary and Vancouver & Ottawa

Upcoming 2-Day Trainings:

New York, St. Louis, San Francisco, Toronto, +++

Marketing & Mastery Certifications are earned via a 2-Day intensive of learning by doing.  Course topics include keyword research, copywriting for conversions, email marketing, customer data collection and online reputation management.  Day 2 covers presentation marketing, public speaking, introduction templates, and closing/selling templates.

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