The Eve of My Birthday!

The Eve of My Birthday!

The Eve of My Birthday!

When my little guy Adrian jumped into our bed for his usual morning hugs, he happened to steel all the blankets off of me as he tried to snuggle right in the middle of my wife and I. It’s cute, but a little cold!Overnight, my wife Nancy somehow put out her back and was in pain struggling to get upright. This meant I had to fly solo to get Adrian out the door for the second day of school before I headed out to the gym. I don’t like flying solo.

My dog peed on the new wood floors, and I had to clean it up. I gave Nancy over the counter meds for her back pain, got Adrian off to school…only to forget to pack his lunch. I had to run over to the school which is across town to get Adrian his lunch in time for first snack.

I met my business partner in Toronto who happily shared his travel stories to Russia. That’s because he fell in love while he was over there. He was gone for a month! This is the equivalent of saying that we hardly got any business done today.

My Cadillac’s engine warning light goes on, which means it needs repair. I get back to the office to find a very disturbing letter about an upcoming performance…only to find out that my contacts know nothing of it and need to look into it.

Adrian comes home from school saying he needs new friends, because his old ones are not “feeling” right. Nancy’s back is still sore. My daughter, who is second year of university calls needing to discuss a sum of 8K. I get a fax of 14 pages of arrangements I have to learn for Saturday. I’m running behind on deadlines for another of my Australian partners.

And I didn’t get one note of music done today!

So here is the thing! It’s my birthday tomorrow! I’d like wake up in the morning to both my hugs and my bed covers…thank you! No dog pee to clean up, no lunches to forget and no car to repair! I’d like my business partner to not move to Russia, and I’d like to meet my deadlines for my partner in Australia. I’d like to not receive any concerning emails about people wanting to reneg on deals. But most of all, I want my daughter to be worry free in University, and my son to discover he can be accepted amongst his friends and a happy wife free of back pain!

Oh yes, make that to include one golf game on a beautiful day (sometime this year!), a Cuban Monte Cristo, two uninterrupted hours on my piano and one great message to end that day. That would be a very good day indeed!


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