The Google Experiment

The Google Experiment

The Google Experiment

This is the first in a series of articles that we will call ‘The Google™ Experiment’.

Many people do not understand the overall power and effect that the Google Experiment might have on their business.

How do you leverage something that you know is powerful, when you have not seen significant results? I invite you to do the exercises with  me, and as we see the positive results we will have confirmation that the Google experiment works.

A result indicates that the system you use is flawed or it ultimately gets you a positive result. I always look for the positive results, and the objective here is to create a goal and that goal must be risky, in other words, one that has never been done  before. Why? Because I do not want to recreate the same results I have done in the past, I want to create even better ones.

This Google Experiment will help you create a better result if you choose to do the work.

I want you to see, by using the system I suggest, how much faster it will work. I can only judge my past experience which has seen it work pretty fast, and which is evidenced by this: search this keyword phrase “mannatech scam,” currently #1 on and get an average 1,000 page views a month.

In the Google Experiment, in which I’m encouraging you to partcipate , I am  going to create something that is risky in fact, I have not created it yet. and the results must be measurable.  Iif in fact we do not reach goal, how much further would we have gotten if had never chosen the goal in the first place.? That’s what our Google Experiment will tell us.

We are also going to put a limitation on the Google Experiment and give it a decent amount of time to succeed; let’s say three months. So, I am going to create a goal, based on a  time limits which I set as three months.

So, what method do I use if I  want  to obtain some measurable results within 90 days?

This article in the series is all about how to choose that goal. How do we find a strategy that leverages the power of Google, gives us results in 90 days, or less, and that which we can measure it’s effectiveness.. That’s why I’m calling it, “The Google Experiment.”  I want to experiment with you to help you get a better Google result.

We are going to measure it several ways. We are going to measure it based on how much time it took to create.  A little bit every day, or a little bit every other day? We will see.

I am going to use my time, none of my employees are going to help me in this experiment.  I understand that many of you are a one person operation, so I want to make it relevant to you.

So many of us live incredibly busy lives. This year while creating my thriving business,  I traveled 100,000 miles, , spoke to thousands of people and still managed to  spend a lot of enjoyable time with my family.

How do I find the time? Well, this article you are reading was created during a morning walk, which will be transcribed and put online. The words you are reading were created during the morning walk that is why it is called ‘The Walking Blog’.

I thought it would be a good idea to leverage my walking time to help you get a more lucrative result. To help you get started you must first: Create yourself a goal, be able to measure the results, and  make sure the goal is somewhat risky, that is something  you have never done ibefore. Then we put a time limit on it: 90 days.

So, at the very least, this series of blogs will be 90 days long, and I will explain each step that I take. In order to understand some of the intricacies on “how” I achieve my results may mean you have to spend some extra time implementing the exercises.

If you look at your statistics and you do not get a lot of Google traffic, or you do not get traffic at all, you shouldn’t set the bar too high, because, you do not know and are not familiar with many of the sub strategies. Hopefully, I am going to help you understand a way to do work through them so that your results are meaningful.

Of course,  ultimately it doesn’t matter, because the purpose is to show you “how”. If you want to see the results, you can eventually beacuse I will publish them in this blog as a part of the Google Experiment. You will be able to see the metrics behind it: where did we start, how did we get there and snap shots of proof along the way.

The very first step will be in our next article, which is how to create that goal. In others words; come up with a REAL goal!

Where do you start to leverage the power of Google?  Based on  experience I can tell you that many people do not even know the starting point t create a goal using Google.

I have had some good results, to many people they would be exceptional , to many other people maybe not so much. But, ultimately, that does not matter.  The fact is, I am going to show you a system — it is not ‘THE’ system, it is only ‘A’ system. If you want to play along, great, and if you just want to follow the blogs and  observe the process that of course is OK too.

Paul Tobey
The Google Experiment

This is the first in a series of articles that we will call ‘The Google™ Experiment’.
Many people do not understand the overall power and effect that the Google Experiment might have on their business. But they also do not understand the “how to’s” behind that.
How do you leverage something that you know is powerful, when you have not seen significant results? I invite you to do the exercises with  me, and as we see the positive results we will have confirmation that . the Google experiment works.
A result indicates that  the system you use is flawed or it ultimately gets you a positive result. I always look for the positive results, and the objective here is to create a goal and that goal must be risky, in other words, one that has never been done  before. Why? Because I do not want to recreate the same results I have done in the past, I want to create even better ones.
This Google Experiment will help you create a better result if you choose to do the work.
I want you to see, by using the system I suggest, how much faster it will work. I can only judge my past experience which has seen it work pretty fast, and which is evidenced by this: search this keyword phrase “mannatech scam,” currently #1 on and get an average 1,000 page views a month.
In the Google Experiment, in which I’m encouraging you to partcipate , I am  going to create something that is risky in fact, I have not created it yet. and the results must be measurable.  Iif in fact we do not reach goal, how much further would we have gotten if had never chosen the goal in the first place.? That’s what our Google Experiment will tell us.
We are also going to put a limitation on the Google Experiment and give it a decent amount of time to succeed; let’s say three months. So, I am going to create a goal, based on a  time limits which I set as three months.
So, what method do I use if I  want  to obtain some measurable results within 90 days?
This article in the series is all about how to choose that goal. How do we find a strategy that leverages the power of Google, gives us results in 90 days, or less, and that which we can measure it’s effectiveness.. That’s why I’m calling it, “The Google Experiment.”  I want to experiment with you to help you get a better Google result.
We are going to measure it several ways. We are going to measure it based on how much time it took to create.  A little bit every day, or a little bit every other day? We will see.
I am going to use my time, none of my employees are going to help me in this experiment.  I understand that many of you are a one person operation, so I want to make it relevant to you..
So many of us live incredibly busy lives. This year while creating my thriving busine, I I travelled 100,000 miles, , spoke to thousands of people and still managed to  spend a lot of enjoyable time with my family.
How do I find the time? Well, this article you are reading was created during a morning walk, which will be transcribed and put online. The words you are reading were created during the morning walk that is why it is called ‘The Walking Blog’.
I thought it would be a good idea to leverage my walking time to help you get a more lucrative result. To help you get started you must first: Create yourself a goal, be able to measure the results, and  make sure the goal is somewhat risky, that is something  you have never done ibefore. Then we put a time limit on it: 90 days.
So, at the very least, this series of blogs will be 90 days long, and I will explain each step that I take. In order to understand some of the intricacies on “how” I achieve my results may mean you have to spend some extra time implementing the exercises.
If you look at your statistics and you do not get a lot of Google traffic, or you do not get traffic at all, you shouldn’t set the bar too high, because, you do not know and are not familiar with many of the sub strategies. Hopefully, I am going to help you understand a way to do work through them so that your results are meaningful.
Of course,  ultimately it doesn’t matter, because the purpose is to show you “how”. If you want to see the results, you can eventually beacuse I will publish them in this blog as a part of the Google Experiment. You will be able to see the metrics behind it: where did we start, how did we get there and snap shots of proof along the way.
The very first step will be in our next article, which is how to create that goal. In others words; come up with a REAL goal!
Where do you start to leverage the power of Google?  Based on  experience I can tell you that many people do not even know the starting point t create a goal using Google.
I have had some good results, to many people they would be exceptional , to many other people maybe not so much. But, ultimately, that does not matter. The fact is, I am going to show you a system—it is not  ‘THE’  system, it is only ‘A’ system. If you want to play along,  great,and if you just want to follow the blogs and  observe the process that of course is OK too.
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