Tinnitus Sufferers

Tinnitus Sufferers

Tinnitus Sufferers

If you suffer from tinnitus enough to seek out medical attention for help, you are not alone. Tinnitus Sufferers are on the rise with tinnitus making headlines throughout the world. Noise induced tinnitus seems to be the one making the most headlines with expressed concern over how IPOD’s and other music devises promoting “loud noise” can be contributing to the growing problem.  With an aging population, hearing loss is another contributer adding to an increased total of persons suffering from tinnitus. 

On the scale of 1 to 10, (10 being the worst), if you rate your tinnitus a 5 and up, it is interfering with your happiness, your life, and your well being.  There is help! For more information about Paul Tobey and Tinnitus visit



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