Train the Trainer Toronto

Train the Trainer Toronto

Train the Trainer Toronto

Train the Trainer Toronto

Train the Trainer TorontoAre you looking at expanding your speaking and training knowledge and want to do it in Toronto? Paul Tobey’s Train the Trainer Toronto course is designed to get you out there doing presentation marketing and making an impact as quick as possible.

We hold this course 3 times a year in Toronto and take only a maximum of 30 trainees per course.  That means very personalized attention, constant practice, accelerated learning environment and constructive coaching.

What makes this course different from the others?  I’ve built a viable training business and have earned more than a million dollars in revenue as a trainer in a few short years.  If you want to learn how to do that, then this is the course for you.

Here are some testimonials from people who have taken this course…

“Learn by doing – I have the template programmed into me so quickly over the 3 Day Seminar that I don’t remember what PowerPoint is anymore! It was so much fun experiencing the learning process wile simultaneously learning a step by step breakdown of effective instructional techniques – all of which have added to my skillset as a trainer and speaker! I am excited to go out and try out my newly learned skill set!” Joyce Dias-Lamoureux, Business Owner, SuccessbyHeart

“The material covered is tremendous and more importantly what matters most is the retention and application (How To) of this material & training in real world.  Paul, needless of a praise is an excellent trainer and gives everything he has got in his seminar going to the minutest detail of “how to flip a flip chart in a live seminar!” “Amazing!!”, Taher Attari, Internet Marketing Consultant

“Paul! Train the Trainer Toronto was the richest learning experience I’ve ever had.  As a university student I find it sad that my profs don’t have a 10th of the pseaking ability you do.  The course was educational, motiving, and fund.  I will use what I learned for the rest of my life.  Thank you for the opportunity!” Jonathan Rosenfield, U of T student

“Having taken other Training Business Pros’ Courses I can only say this is the pinnacle of learning.  How to develop, conduct and promote your speaking career to the top of your niche market.  Every detail from intro context, delivery and closing the deal was simplified with a fail safe template. Enthusiasm was rampant the whole weekend we learned! Thanks.”   Peter Wood, Ripple Outdoors

In 30 years of sales training seminars and workshops I have never experienced such a rapid growth in my ability to present on any topic in any setting.  The idea of mastering the “context” of a presentation over the “content” adss power and excitement, creating energy and results for both me and my audiences.  Thank you for changing my life Paul.”  Terry Allison, Real Estate Investor and Internet Marketer.

I have plenty more where those came from and I’d be willing to let you read them all if you need to.  Give me a call at the office and we’ll talk about how we can help you take your career as a public speaker, trainer and presentation marketer to the next level.

Paul Tobey
CEO, Training Business Pros

Train the Trainer Toronto

P.S. Click here for more information about this Train the Trainer Toronto Course.

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